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The Penguin Mafia June 6, 2006

Posted by noodlebandit in Browser Based MMORPG, Online Gaming, Penguin Mafia.

This blog? Shall probably be full of minor spoilers, I doubt there will be many things said on here that you would not see in a KoL chatroom. But I am warning you anyway, because you never know who wants to read what.

Ever since the comet hit, strange things have been happening in the Kingdom of Loathing. Odd events ranging from giant blocks of ice, to strange tents being erected near the new crater. And now? Now there are Space Mafia Penguins, or that's what they have been unofficially dubbed. We even have a new 'mini' moon, the hamburgler.

All in all? Lots of new content, sometimes too much when you take into account how players tend to go nuts and spoil new events in chat. It's hard to be as excited as I was when the comet first hit, because I'm being bombarded by new events on all sides. The badger for instance! A wonderful absolutely neat familiar, but there is so much new content that comes along with that.

I'm glad to have the penguin mafia back, no doubt. They are just plain amusing, but while I look forward to their next move I am also looking forward to events calming down. To not have to remind people in chat that they are making spoiler comments in front of people who may not want to be spoiled.  I've stayed in the game because I like the community, and to have to stay only in clan chat because another channel seems to be constantly talking about the new content?  It's really too bad.


1. Ballpoint Wren » Super Sabado: those damn gypsies - June 10, 2006

[…] The NoodleBandit of Social Loathing, whose cul-de-sac sounds lots more interesting than ours. […]

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